The path to a happy marriage is never easy, and the wedding tradition seems to emphasize this – in different countries, a couple in love wait for their strange customs. In Austria, for example, the bride wakes up to the sound of gunfire, and in China, she cries a month before the ceremony. In the midst of the wedding season, we gathered the most interesting beliefs so that you would be prepared for anything, both as a guest and as a bride.


The wedding for the Tujia people of China’s ethnic group begins with tears: one month before the ceremony, the bride is expected to cry, showing thanks to her parents and her reluctance to leave the house. Later, she is joined by sisters, aunts, grandmothers and mother. On a full series of «cry of the bride» performed in the XVII century, now it is more an occasion to gather the whole family – without any tears.


In the Country of the Rising Sun over 400 years have been observed one of the oldest wedding traditions – «San-san kudo». Instead of exchanging vows, the groom, the bride and their parents drink three sake cups of three different sizes: the first for the union of families, and the second and third for the atmosphere of love in a house free of hatred and ignorance.


The celebration of the wedding in Tunis begins six days before the ceremony itself. A special role in the preparation is played by the custom of decorating the bride’s hands and legs with henna – drawings in the form of butterflies and flowers and intricate patterns usually applied by a relative.


The night before the wedding, married girlfriends gather at the bride’s house to put a turmeric paste on her. It is believed that its bright yellow colour will bring good luck to the future family, and the composition of the useful mixture will make the skin of the woman smooth and radiant. And if you can’t believe the first statement, then you can’t argue with the second one: the turmeric actually calms the inflammation, increases the elasticity of the skin and equalizes the tone.


It is customary here to place a coin in the shoe of the bride: in one, given by the father – made of gold, in the other – silver, given by the mother. And every time the bride leaves the table, all the girls at the wedding can steal the groom’s kiss. Note that these are Swedes who adhere to the principle of equality and gender neutrality. So whenever the groom leaves the room, gentlemen can also kiss the bride.


Austrian custom dictates that the bride wakes up on the day of the ceremony as early as possible. Many families in Salzkammergut, Tyrol and Styria still follow an ancient tradition and, as their ancestors did, come to the girl’s house early in the morning to wake her with the sounds of gunfire and fireworks – they believe that this noise will ward off evil spirits.


Brazilian brides primarily take care of single girlfriends: their names are written on the lining of a wedding dress, believing that it will help girls find love as soon as possible. Interestingly, the Greeks have a similar tradition, but they have a list of singles decorating the soles of the bride’s shoes.


The groom must give permission for the marriage to the godfather, otherwise the spouses will not be happy. At a wedding party, newlyweds can sneak out before the event is over. And it’s considered good luck for a guest to catch a couple when they try to escape.

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